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October 30, 2024The Ultimate Guide to Creating ARKit's 52 Facial Blendshapes
Learn how to create and use ARKit blendshapes, focusing on their connection to the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). Bring human-like emotions to your digital characters using the 52 ARKit blendshapes for realistic facial expressions.
Created by
Pooya Deperson
Product Designer
Melinda Ozel
Expression Expert
The assets and information on this page are the result of research, curation, and the integration of multiple resources.
The Louise head model is available for free at
The Claire head model is available for free at
View the full credits section.
What are ARKit 52 facial blendshapes?
Apple ARKit's 52 facial blendshapes are a set of predefined expressions designed for creating realistic facial animations. Widely used in AI-powered motion capture, multi-camera rigs, and laser marker systems.
Blendshapes, often referred to as "morph targets" control vertex movements on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0. At 0.0, the face is in its neutral state (e.g., eyes open), while at 1.0, it represents a distinct expression (e.g., left eye closed).
Blendshapes terminology in 3D softwares
Blendshapes are predefined vertex deformations used for animating facial expressions and are known by different names across platforms.
They are called Morph Targets in 3ds Max, Shape Keys in Blender, Blend Shapes in Maya and Houdini, and PoseMorph in Cinema 4D. Although the names vary, they all perform the same function.
Face Blendshapes
The order of Blendshapes in the 3D software doesn't affect the result.
Resources & attribution
The 3D assets featured on this page were essential, and completing it would not have been possible without these incredible resources.
Classification of Mouth Action Units: Using Local Binary Patterns
Extraocular Muscles,Eyewiki
Action Unit Reference, Py-feat
Facial action coding system, iMotions
Melinda Ozel, Expression Researcher & Educator
Polygonal mind creating blendshapes for VRchat
ARKit face blendshapes
Hinzka haten blog iPhone blendshapes
Vroid Studio 3D Character Creation Studio
VMagicMirror Perfect Sync Tips
クリックで実装!パーフェクトシンク BY HANA Tool
VRM format
Apple Official Developer Documentation on ARKit Facial Blendshapes
Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos
Software used
This project was completed using various 3D software tools and rendering methods, detailed below.
FACS Action UnitAU4 brow lowerer
ARKit DetailsThe coefficient describing downward movement of the outer portion of the left eyebrow.
Muscle(s) & AU Functioncorrugator supercilii, depressor supercilii, procerus. Lowers and knits the brows.
Action UnitAU4 · brow lowerer
ARKit DetailsThe coefficient describing downward movement of the outer portion of the right eyebrow.
Muscle(s) & AU Functioncorrugator supercilii, depressor supercilii, procerus. Lowers and knits the brows.
Action UnitAU1 · inner brow raiser
ARKit DetailsThe coefficient describing upward movement of the inner portion of both eyebrows.
Muscle(s) & AU Functionfrontalis, medial portion. Raises the inner eyebrow area.
Action UnitAU2 · outer brow raiser
ARKit DetailsThe coefficient describing upward movement of the outer portion of the left eyebrow.
Muscle(s) & AU Functionfrontalis, lateral portion. Raises the outer eyebrow area.
Action UnitAU2 · outer brow raiser
ARKit DetailsThe coefficient describing upward movement of the outer portion of the right eyebrow.
Muscle(s) & AU Functionfrontalis, lateral portion. Raises the outer eyebrow area.
Action Unit AU43 · eye closure AU45 · blink
ARKit DetailsThe coefficient describing closure of the eyelids over the left eye.
Muscle(s) & AU Functionrelaxation of levator palpebrae superioris and contraction of the palpebral portion of orbicularis oculi. AU45 briefly closes the eyelids, while AU43 closes them for longer.
Action UnitAU 64
ARKit DetailsLeft eye looks downward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionInferior Rectus, Orbicularis oculi, Moves eye downward
Action UnitAU 61
ARKit DetailsLeft eye looks inward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLateral Rectus (left eye), Moves eye inward
Action UnitAU 61
ARKit DetailsEyes turn left, Left eye looks outward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLateral Rectus (left eye), Moves eye outward
Action UnitAU 63
ARKit DetailsLeft eye looks upward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionSuperior Rectus, Moves eye upward
Action UnitAU 61
ARKit DetailsLid Tightener, Squinting of the left eye
Muscle(s) & AU Functionoribulcaris oculi, pars palpebralis, Narrows eye opening
Action UnitAU 5
ARKit DetailsUpper Lid Raiser (Left), widening of the left eye
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLevator palpebrae superioris, Widens eye opening
Action UnitAU 45
ARKit DetailsBlinking of the right eye
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionRelaxation of Levator Palpebrae and Contraction of Orbicularis Oculi, Pars Palpebralis., Closes eyelid
Action UnitAU 9AU 10
ARKit DetailsLid Tightener, Right eye looks downward, Lid Tightener
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionInferior Rectus, Orbicularis oculi, Moves eye downward
Action UnitAU 61
ARKit DetailsEyes turn left, Right eye looks Inward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLateral Rectus (right eye), Moves eye inward
Action UnitAU 61
ARKit DetailsEyes turn right, Right eye looks outward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLateral Rectus (right eye), Moves eye outward
Action UnitAU 63
ARKit DetailsUpper Lid Raiser, Right eye looks upward
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionSuperior Rectus, Inferior Oblique, Moves eye upward
Action UnitAU 7
ARKit DetailsLid Tightener, Squinting of the right eye
Muscle(s) & AU Functionoribulcaris oculi, pars palpebralis, Narrows eye opening
Action UnitAU 5
ARKit DetailsUpper Lid Raiser (Right), widening of the right eye
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLevator palpebrae superioris, Widens eye opening
Action UnitAU 29
ARKit DetailsJaw Thrust
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionPterygoids, Masseter, Moves jaw forward
Action UnitAU 30
ARKit DetailsJaw move left
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionPterygoids, Masseter, Moves jaw to the left
Action UnitAU 30
ARKit DetailsJaw move right
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionPterygoids, Masseter, Temporalis, Moves jaw to the right
Action UnitAU 26
ARKit DetailsJaw drop, Mouth opening
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDigastric, Mylohyoid, Opens jaw
Action UnitAU 30
ARKit DetailsJaw move right
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionPterygoids, Masseter, Temporalis, Moves jaw to the right
Action UnitAU 26AU 24
ARKit DetailsLip Presser, Jaw drop, Mouth opening
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionOrbicularis Oris, Opens the jaw while keeping the mouth closed
Action UnitAU 22
ARKit DetailsMouth forms a funnel shape
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionOrbicularis Oris, Rounds lips in a funnel shape
Action UnitAU 18AU 24
ARKit DetailsLip presser, Lip pucker
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionIncisvii Labii Superioris, Incisvii Labii Inferioris, Orbicularis Oris, Puckers lips
Action UnitAU 12AU 25AU 16
ARKit DetailsLip Corner Puller, Lip Part, Lower Lip Depressor, Cheek Raiser
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionZygomaticus Major, Depressor Labii Inferioris, Orbicularis Oculi (orbital), Pulls mouth to the left
Action UnitAU 12AU 25AU 16
ARKit DetailsLip Corner Puller, Lip Part, Lower Lip Depressor, Cheek Raiser
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionZygomaticus Major, Depressor Labii Inferioris, Orbicularis Oculi (orbital), Pulls mouth to the right
Action UnitAU 12
ARKit DetailsLeft lip corner puller
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionZygomaticus Major, Pulls left lip corner outward on left side
Action UnitAU 12
ARKit DetailsRight lip corner puller
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionZygomaticus Major, Pulls right lip corner outward on right side
Action UnitAU 15
ARKit DetailsLeft Lip Corner Depressor
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDepressor anguli oris, Pulls down left corner of mouth
Action UnitAU 15
ARKit DetailsRight Lip Corner Depressor
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDepressor anguli oris, Pulls down right corner of mouth
Action UnitAU 14
ARKit DetailsDimpler (Left)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionBuccinator, Creates dimple on left side
Action UnitAU 14
ARKit DetailsDimpler (Right)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionBuccinator, Creates dimple on right side
Action UnitAU 15
ARKit DetailsLeft Lip Corner Depressor
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDepressor Anguli Oris, Stretches the mouth to the left
Action UnitAU 15
ARKit DetailsRight Lip Corner Depressor
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDepressor Anguli Oris, Stretches the mouth to the right
Action UnitAU 28
ARKit Details(Lower) Lip suck
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionMentalis, Rolls lower lip
Action UnitAU 28
ARKit Details(Upper) Lip suck
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionMentalis, Rolls upper lip
Action UnitAU 17
ARKit DetailsChin raiser (The lower split)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionMentalis, Elevates the lower lip
Action UnitAU 17
ARKit DetailsChin raiser (The upper split)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionMentalis, Elevates the upper lip
Action UnitAU 24
ARKit DetailsLip presser (Left)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionOrbicularis Oris, Presses the mouth to the left
Action UnitAU 24
ARKit DetailsLip presser (Right)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionOrbicularis Oris, Presses the mouth to the right
Action UnitAU 16
ARKit DetailsLower Lip Depressor (Right)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDepressor Labii Inferioris, Lowers lower lip on right side
Action UnitAU 16
ARKit DetailsLower Lip Depressor (Left)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionDepressor Labii Inferioris, Lowers lower lip on left side
Action UnitAU 10
ARKit DetailsUpper Lip Raiser (Left)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLevator Labii Superioris, Raises upper lip on left side
Action UnitAU 10
ARKit DetailsUpper Lip Raiser (Right)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLevator Labii Superioris, Raises upper lip on right side
Action UnitAD 34
ARKit DetailsCheek Puff
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionBuccinator, Orbicularis Oris, Expands cheeks by forcing air into them
Action UnitAU 6
ARKit DetailsCheek Raiser (Left)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionOrbicularis oculi, Raises cheek on left side
Action UnitAU 6
ARKit DetailsCheek Raiser (Right)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionOrbicularis oculi, Raises cheek on right side
Action UnitAU 9
ARKit DetailsNose Wrinkler (Left)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLevator Labii Superioris, Raises left side of the nose
Action UnitAU 9
ARKit DetailsNose Wrinkler (Right)
Muscle(s) & AU FunctionLevator Labii Superioris, Raises right side of the nose