User Onboarding in the Fashion Industry
March 14, 2024

Ux Case Study for Model Recruitment

Selecting the ideal model requires extensive research and effort. Models Network app streamlines recruitment using UX research, making the process efficient and user-friendly.

Every Product Project Starts with Good Research

I began this project using the Lean UX method. Initially, I focused on understanding the market, conducting interviews with potential users who will primarily use the product. Next, I defined the objectives of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), breaking down its key components.

Market analysis

Identifying competitors and user needs for a fashion
and photography industry

Research! Research! Research!

During the market research and analysis, I identified several major fashion companies, some of which are direct competitors while others are indirectly related. This research provided insights into the fashion and modeling industry, enhancing my understanding of common requirements for fashion-related projects.

Furthermore, I identified additional professionals whose expertise could significantly benefit from the product, such as photographers and videographers, aiming to address their specific challenges and needs.

Additionally, I conducted brief research on models themselves, recognizing their pivotal role in the product. Without comprehensive model profiles within the product domain, its functionality would be severely limited.

Interview, why not?

Based on the insights gathered during the research, I formulated several assumptions regarding the problems that users might encounter, which our product could potentially address. However, recognizing the inherent uncertainty in assumptions, I conducted interviews with users who encounter these specific challenges we aim to solve potentially allowing me to validate whether my assumptions align with the actual needs and expectations of the users.


After the research and interviews, it was time to define the MVP objectives and the key features for our product.

The Evolution of Effort

Achieving Greatness
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